Our Services

Confidence begins with a beautiful smile!

At Chandler Family Dentistry, we understand the importance of a healthy and radiant smile. That's why we offer a comprehensive array of services tailored to meet your specific dental needs. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care, ensuring that you achieve and maintain the best smile possible.


  • A general dentist is the dental care provider that you should see routinely. They diagnose, treat and manage overall oral health to people of all ages. They can also treat you and your entire family.

    At a routine visit with Dr. Chandler, you will have a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth, gums, and other structure. If the exam reveals the presence of tooth decay you will have a filling in the affected tooth.

    What Does a General Dentist Do?

    A general dentist provides routine services that are vital to your health, including:

    1 Preventive services.

    2 Restorative Services.

    3 Cosmetic Procedures.

    4 Overall Health Concerns.

    These services with cleaning and routine exams help to prevent disease of teeth, mouth, gums, and tongue. If preventive services aren't enough restorative services repairs the damages caused by tooth decay, trauma or other disease caused in the mouth area with the help of dental crowns and root canals.

    A general dentist can also help you in sparking your smile with a range of cosmetic procedure including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and even cosmetic bonding. If you’re looking for a brighter smile visit our office in Little Rock for a smile makeover. And to your overall health concern, a general dentist is trained to identify other oral issues related to health by offering nutritional counseling, advice on general health and wellness information.

  • A dental crown or a cap is a restoration that can be used for a number of purposes. One of the most common uses of a dental crown is to restore a tooth that is significantly damaged or decayed. The crown is custom made to fit over the entire tooth, starting at the gum line, in order to restore the tooth to its original shape and size. Dental crowns can be made of gold, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal; porcelain crowns are popular because they match the natural color and appearance of your teeth. Our dentist will help you determine which type of dental crown is right for your smile.

    Your smile may benefit from a crown if a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point that a dental filling will not provide a successful restoration. Crowns can also be used for a number of other restorative and aesthetic purposes, including:

    • To protect a tooth following root canal treatment

    • To anchor and attach a dental bridge

    • To cover and complete a dental implant

    • To enhance the beauty of your smile

    • To improve a misshapen tooth

    • To strengthen a tooth that is fractured or weakened

    • To support a large filling when little natural tooth structure remains

  • Veneers are very thin shells typically made of porcelain or resin, that are bonded to the front of your teeth to enhance the beauty of your smile. Our dentist may recommend dental veneers to correct several types of smile imperfections. Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for enhancing your smile because the color and translucence of porcelain is a great match for the natural appearance of tooth enamel. Porcelain is stain resistant as well, so your smile will stay bright for years to come. Resin veneers can also be matched to your natural tooth color. With dental veneers, you can achieve a beautiful, natural-looking smile that you will love to show off.

    Our dentist may recommend dental veneers if you would like to improve the appearance of your smile. Custom-made veneers can be used for just one tooth or for your entire smile. We may suggest veneers to:

    • Close large spaces and gaps between teeth

    • Whiten teeth that are severely stained or discolored

    • Improve the appearance of irregularly shaped teeth

    • Correct slightly crooked teeth

    • Restore teeth that are broken, chipped, worn, or fractured

  • Dental emergencies can be painful. Bleeding and swelling may put patients through panic. The first and foremost tip on how to face a dental emergency says not to panic. With the basic knowledge on how to face dental emergency patients can feel bolder. Patients should quickly take the necessary steps to treat the problem. Following are some of the problems and the necessary steps that should follow when you face them.

    3 Types of Dental Emergency & Treatments by Emergency Dentist in Little Rock:

    1 Toothache:
Tooth decay is one of the main causes of a toothache. When the decay reaches the pulp of the tooth the patient may experience pain. The first step is to wash the mouth with warm water and floss and remove any remains of food particles. If there is swelling cold compress can be used to reduce it. Pain medicines can help in reducing pain until the patient visits an emergency dentist.

    2 Chipped or Knocked-Out Tooth:
Accidents during sports or adventure activities can sometimes cause the tooth to chip off or fall out. A tooth which is knocked out can be restored if it is put back in the socket within 1 hour. The tooth should be picked up and washed gently to clear the dust. Patients can try and put the tooth back in the socket. If this does not work, patients can preserve the tooth in milk container or save it in the vestibule and visit an emergency dentist in Little Rock at the earliest.

    3 Injuries to Soft Tissues:
People may hurt their gums and tongue during an accident. Under such circumstances, it is important that patients wash the area gently using warm water. Gauze can help in stopping bleeding until patients visit an emergency dentist for proper dental care.

  • A sealant is a preventive dental treatment that our dentist may recommend to protect your teeth from decay. A dental sealant is made of a clear or tooth-colored resin material, which is painted onto the chewing surface of the tooth. By blocking out the bacteria and food debris that lead to tooth decay, the sealant prevents decay and cavities. The dental sealant forms a smooth surface over the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface, which also makes it easier to effectively clean your teeth with normal brushing.

    Dental sealants are most often recommended for children; our dentist frequently recommends sealants for the permanent molars as soon as they come in, which is usually between the ages of 6 and 12 years. We may also recommend dental sealants for adult patients whose teeth are prone to decay or for teeth that have not been restored or suffered from decay in the past. We can apply dental sealants in just one short, comfortable visit to our practice. Sealants can be a powerful tool in preventing decay and keeping your smile healthy.

  • A night guard is a special type of mouth guard that is used to treat bruxism, or teeth grinding and clenching. If our dentist suspects that you suffer from bruxism, we may recommend a night guard to protect your teeth from damage and prevent teeth grinding while you sleep. Many people who suffer from bruxism are unaware of the condition because it occurs while they sleep. Common signs of nighttime teeth clenching and grinding include:

    • Chronic jaw pain, facial pain, and ear pain

    • Awakening with a tired or tight feeling in the jaw

    • Frequent tension headaches and migraines

    • Excessive tooth wear, leading to chipped, flattened, cracked, or very worn teeth

    • Extremely worn tooth enamel, exposing the inner layers of the tooth

    • Indentations on the side of the tongue

    • Increased tooth sensitivity

    If you notice the signs of bruxism, you may benefit from a custom night guard. This night guard will be custom made to fit your smile comfortably and effectively, allowing you to sleep peacefully while protecting your smile.

  • Dr. Chris Chandler uses Invisalign clear aligners to create your perfect smile.

    Invisalign uses a series of customized, clear trays. These aligners gradually straighten your teeth and require fewer office visits than traditional braces.

    They’re removable, near-invisible, and customized just for your teeth and mouth. Invisalign aligners are much more comfortable than traditional metal bracket braces and can give you stunning results.

    When you come for your free consultation, we'll take X-rays and photos and X-rays to tailor a treatment plan specifically for you.

    From these images, Dr. Chandler will create your first set of custom-fitted aligners from these images, and then you’ll begin the process of straightening your teeth.

    You wear the trays for about 22 hours a day as recommended by our doctors, but you can remove them to brush your teeth and eat. You’ll wear several sets of trays throughout your orthodontic treatment, based on your individual needs. You’ll start to notice a change in just a few months!

  • Dentures are an affordable way to replace any number of missing teeth in your mouth. They have a long history of success and continue to earn a place in the list of options for rebuilding your smile.

    Dentures are removable substitutes for missing teeth. Full dentures are used when a person is missing all their natural teeth, while partial dentures replace only a few missing teeth here or there to eliminate gaps and improve chewing. Denture treatment is customized specifically to each patient, and our doctors can help you decide which option works best for you.

    Full Dentures (conventional and implant-supported)

    Sometimes tooth decay or gum disease can become unmanageable. This may lead to the decision to remove your remaining teeth on one or both arches. Full dentures are an economical and efficient way to restore your function and smile.

    A complete denture consists of a thin gum-colored acrylic base that rests on the gum tissue. Porcelain or acrylic replacement teeth built into the base give the appearance of natural teeth. We know that your smile is unique, and our doctors have the experience to help you select the teeth that will look the most natural. This also gives you the chance to customize the way you look; whether you want a "new" smile or want to recreate the one you had.

    While dentures boast a long history of successful use, modern technology offers some options to enhance the way dentures fit and the way you look. In many cases, dentures can be secured more firmly to your jaw with the use of dental implants placed in the jaw. In addition to having greater retention and a more natural look, implant-supported dentures tend to last longer. Our doctors can discuss these options and help you understand the ways they can improve your experience with dentures.

    Partial Dentures

    Whether you've lost one tooth or many, chewing and smiling can become more difficult because of the gaps in your smile. Partial dentures are an economical solution to replace missing teeth, fill in the spaces, improve chewing ability, and restore your confidence to smile. A partial denture will also help keep your natural teeth from shifting, lowering the risk of losing those teeth in the future.

    Most partial dentures contain a thin metal framework that is designed with small metal clasps that wrap around the gum line of existing teeth. This allows for a smooth, non-bulky feel. The framework is supported by your natural teeth to provide a reliable, secure appliance that is easy to use and remove. Where teeth are missing, natural-looking replacement teeth are attached, and gum-colored acrylic is used to cover the metal framework. Remember your mouth and your needs are unique, and our doctors work with skilled technicians to create a solution that is functional, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing.

    With advances in technology, implants can also be used to support removable partial dentures, improving the fit while reducing the bulkiness of the appliance. Dentures inherently bring some challenges, especially to new wearers. Our goal is to minimize the everyday frustrations and keep you as comfortable as possible.

  • If you're confident, you smile more. If you smile more, you feel more confident. But what if you don't want to flash your smile because you're embarrassed by discolored teeth?

    Teeth whitening removes years of dingy stains from your teeth. Coffee, tea, wine, tobacco, and chocolate can dull white enamel surfaces. Simple and safe, most patients don't realize how discolored their teeth are until they see a new smile emerge.

    Numerous products crowd supermarket shelves. While we don't discourage these methods, you may want to consider the advantages of professional whitening:

    Customized system: We offer in-office whitening that removes years of stain in about an hour. We can also make custom trays that fit your teeth for whitening at home. Together we'll find the right system for your situation. Sometimes we combine the two methods for maximum short and long-term benefits.

    Controlled gel formulas: We use the highest quality whitening formulas available for safety and consistency: professional strength with careful quality control from known sources. Beware of temperature-sensitive gels stored in uncontrolled environments or made in an unknown setting.

    Sensitivity management: You may experience temporary sensitivity in your teeth while whitening. We have specific strategies for you to use, and will customize the product and method to help you have a comfortable and safe whitening experience.

    Long-term results: Buying a box of whitening strips every few months adds up. A session with us in the office can provide almost instant results that may take days and multiple boxes of strips to obtain. Alternatively, you'll have a system that should fit for years if you leave with custom trays. A simple refill syringe of gel picked up occasionally from our office allows you to keep your smile fresh for years to come.

    Teeth whitening offers a predictable boost to your confidence through the power of a smile.

  • Toothaches are a vivid reminder that teeth aren't just pieces of hard tissue floating around in the gums. They are intricately formed sensory organs with layers of dentin and enamel protecting a living pulp. Coursing through the tooth's pulp is a vital bundle of nerves and blood vessels providing nutrients and sensation to each tooth. As long as the pulp stays healthy, you're rarely aware of the systems at work.

    Tooth pain can be especially alarming, but it's meant to warn you that something's not right. Pain tells us that the bundle of nerves and vessels inside your tooth is irritated, damaged, or under attack.

    A deep cavity can give bacteria access to the inner nerve bundle. In some cases, a significant infection, called an abscess, may develop in your jaw without any symptoms at all. If our doctors determine that the nerve won't recover or if an infection is present, then root canal therapy may be suggested.

    Modern anesthetics provide powerful numbing for the gentle removal of the inflamed nerve inside the tooth. The nerve canal undergoes disinfection and careful shaping, and a sealer fills the internal space. A filling or crown over the tooth helps return the tooth to its original function.

    Are Root Canals Safe?

    Internet articles continue to circulate claiming adverse health effects from root canals, despite years of research proving otherwise. Many of these claims rest on false theories put forward decades ago without any scientific basis.

  • Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a degenerative condition primarily caused by bacteria found in plaque. The bacteria inflame and infect the gum tissues, and when left untreated, can eventually cause the gums to pull away from the teeth. Untreated periodontal disease can result in bone loss, tooth loss, and gum tissue recession.

    If your gums are swollen, red, or tender, or if your gums bleed easily, you may have periodontal disease. Other common symptoms of gum disease include loose teeth, painful chewing, persistent bad breath, and receding gums that make your teeth appear longer than normal. Following an exam at our office, our dentist and team will be able to determine whether you suffer from periodontal disease.

    The treatment for gum disease is based upon your specific dental needs. Depending on the severity of the condition, our dentist may recommend additional professional dental cleanings, improved at-home oral hygiene, antibiotic treatment, scaling and root planing (deep cleanings), or gum surgery. We strive to help you restore your oral health and halt the progress of the disease.

  • Despite your best efforts, teeth sometimes need to be removed to protect your health. When we've discussed all other possibilities, and you've decided on extraction, we'll take every step to help you. Your well-being always takes priority in any treatment decision. Some patients prefer sedation to help with oral surgery, and we can review these options in your treatment plan. We take every measure to make sure even minor surgical procedures are as comfortable as possible.

    Some teeth are removed more easily than others, but our team takes pride in helping every patient get numb with modern anesthesia. Once the anesthesia takes effect, our doctors use specialized instruments to elevate the tooth out of place. You will receive specific post-op instructions to help you care for the area after your procedure.

    While our immediate concern is the short-term management of your care, we will also discuss your long-term plans for replacing missing teeth. Leaving a space is always an option, but spaces in your smile can create appearance and function challenges that are important to consider. Teeth slowly shift or migrate into open spaces and minimizing the effects of an unbalanced bite now can prevent issues later in life.

    Although our primary goal is to help your teeth stay healthy and functional, an extraction is sometimes the best way to preserve the overall health of your mouth. Since teeth help nourish our bodies and support our confidence, we will help you create a plan that fits your short and long-term goals.

  • Botox (botulinum toxin A) is a natural protein purified for medicinal use. Formulated for simplicity and safety, Botox is gently injected into the muscles of the face. Within a few hours, the muscles begin to relax. As a result, the skin over the muscles also relaxes, and wrinkles disappear! We use it to smooth lines in the forehead, between and around the eyes, at the corners of the mouth, and other areas.

    In addition to improving the way you look, Botox can also be used as an analgesic. As experts of the face and mouth, dentists understand that pain and headaches come from many sources. We can use Botox to provide lasting relaxation to the muscles that cause chronic headaches and TMJ pain. There is no numbness or other discomfort caused in the areas where Botox application occurs. For most patients, results usually last three to four months. Botox can simply be reapplied as needed.

    Whether you want to recapture your youth or put an end to headaches and jaw pain, we can find a way for Botox to help you.

Photo of Dr. Chandler and child patient